Coronation Parade, Folkestone, Kent

Coronation Parade, Folkestone, Kent

Coronation Parade, Folkestone, Kent The Coronation Parade promenade and breakwater in Folkestone, Kent was built in the late 1930s. It consists of 91 reinforced concrete arches and promenade with a retaining wall to the rear. After many years exposed in the harsh sea...
New Travelodge Walton on Thames, Surrey

New Travelodge Walton on Thames, Surrey

New Travelodge Walton on Thames, Surrey We were selected by Marshalls Building Contractors to carry out the diamond drilling, concrete cutting and controlled demolition package at this project to assist with the conversion of disused office space into a new 72-room...
Middleborough Car Park, Colchester

Middleborough Car Park, Colchester

Middleborough Car Park, Colchester We were awarded this contract by Makers Construction, a large structural refurbishment main contractor based in Staffordshire. This was our first job for them, but we built up a good working relationship during the project and have...
Status Park, Heathrow, London

Status Park, Heathrow, London

Status Park, Heathrow, London Conversion of three large former office buildings into residential units. Diamond Edge Drilling Ltd were called in by the main contractor to provide all the diamond drilling, concrete cutting and controlled demolition work to facilitate...
Openings at Printwork Apartments, Cheam

Openings at Printwork Apartments, Cheam

Openings at Printwork Apartments, Cheam We were called in by the client to form sixteen precise openings through the 450mm thick heavily reinforced basement walls for new windows and doors. This was to allow conversion of the basement area into residential units. The...